In designing synchronous digital integrated circuits, the design of clock tree is an important component, which may greatly affect the performance and reliability of the system.
The thesis presents the design and realization of a data synchronous acquisition system in integrated protection based on FPGA and digital frequency multiplying technique.
Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) is one of Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) that has been widely used, especially adapt to design digital system.
With the help of ti CCS3.1 integrated development environment, system software design USES ti own image processing library functions to complete fast digital image processing.
This design is integrated with MCU control all of the above FM function ASIC design of a digital FM radio system.
Under the support of net-work system, The platform integrated 3D digital design, computer-aided analysis and computer-aided process design function etc.
Under the support of net-work system, The platform integrated 3D digital design, computer-aided analysis and computer-aided process design function etc.