The Catholic church honored saints on this designated day.
Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as All Saints' Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs.
Set aside a designated period of time each day to spend time searching for jobs, making phone calls, networking online and writing cover letters.
Set aside a designated period of time each day to search for jobs, make phone calls, network online, write cover letters, conduct informational interviews, etc.
Have a block of time designated for doing emails and phone calls and smaller tasks, so they don't interrupt you throughout the day.
The Congress, by Public Law 106-579, has also designated 3:00 p.m. local time on that day as a time for all Americans to observe, in their own way, the National Moment of Remembrance.
根据公法第106- 579条(PublicLaw 106 - 579),国会也将这一天的地方时间下午3时定为全体美国人可以以各自方式追思的全国追思时刻。
At its 2010 meeting, the World Health Assembly resolved that July 28 should be designated as World Hepatitis Day.
In 1994, Congress designated it a National Day of service.
The case will be scheduled as the last case of the day in the designated room.
Man: ISO certification mark of be linked together by the project team project representative concurrently, by the designated one or several of the staff responsible for the day-to-day work.
In many Western cultures, children and the elderly are expected to nap during the day and are provided with designated periods and locations to do so.
Dislocator: The wielder of this weapon can attempt to dislocate a designated foe up to three times per day.
On the morning of the same day received sister instructions, ordered him to designated locations and dates, forbid not to, because this date in a week ago arrangements.
The second installment is twenty thousand US Dollars (US$20,000) and shall be paid to the account designated by RSH on closing day when the shell is purchased.
If the CPA directly goes to the designated foreign exchange bank to inquire, the latter shall make a reply on the same day.
If the certified accountant directly goes to the designated foreign exchange bank for inquiry, the bank shall make the reply on that exact day.
Designate time for certain things. There are certain times in the day of a Zen monk designated for certain activities. A time for for bathing, a time for work, a time for cleaning, a time for eating.
Alert clubs to plan for World Understanding Month in February and the RI Anniversary on 23 February, which is designated World Understanding and Peace Day.
Alert clubs to plan for World Understanding Month in February and the RI Anniversary on 23 February, which is designated World Understanding and Peace Day.