With this type of loan the bank gives you a short-term loan designed to last through the construction process.
The bad news is our pair-bond is designed to last for as long as it takes our offspring to reach some level of independence.
He argues that "most software built for large Numbers of users or designed to last indefinitely fails at both goals anyway."
This reusable variety is designed to last anywhere from 10 to 15 years making it both economic and environmentally friendly.
From industry to agriculture, our Standard Series chains are designed to last longer than any other manufacturer? S roller chain.
Originally designed to last for a year, the London Eye, like that other “temporary” attraction, the Eiffel Tower, is not going anywhere.
Offshore pipelines are designed to last for more than 20 years, but damage can prevent them from reaching their optimal design life.
Longevity is essential for electric-car batteries, which are designed to last for a decade and have to survive harsh conditions on the road.
Green mobile phones designed to last only for the length of its functional life cycle, they fall apart for easy recycling after two years are up.
Green mobile phones designed to last only for the length of its functional life cycle, they fall apart for easy recycling after two years are up. [link].
This prolongs the reactors core life by preventing the embrittlement of the steel of the pressure vessel, with some reactors being designed to last between 40 and 50 years.
3:Joe, I'm afraid I have a bone to pick with you - frankly, I don't like this last ad you designed for us.
Apple last June hired Rich Dellinger, who designed the notification system for Palm's webOS, away from that company and back to the company where he worked between 1999 and 2006.
苹果公司去年六月雇佣了曾为Palm Web Os设计提醒系统的RichDellinger。此人1999年进入Palm公司,2006年离开了它。
The last thing to do in this example is to tie our solution back to the service architecture that we designed in the first article, Part 1. Service identification.
There are many very expensive software packages out there that are designed to help you with this step (and the last step, reporting).
This crisis window is a good example; we called for it, designed it, and persuaded the IDA donors to endorse it just last year.
The bankruptcy proceedings are 'designed to deal with those last few holdouts,' Obama said.
It posted big gains in the market selloff of late 2008 and launched a fund last year designed to benefit if inflation surges.
The station has been designed to operate for at least 15 years. But it could last for decades if parts are repaired and replaced as they wear out or are damaged.
Last month Yahoo! Said that a new advertising algorithm that it had designed to close the gap in profitability will be delayed, and its share price fell by 22%, its biggest-ever one-day drop.
The machine, which was designed to smash together beams of protons in a bid recreate conditions after the Big Bang, was launched with great fanfare last year.
She said she's still enthused about last year's event in which she was part of a team that designed a tool enabling disaster victims to report their losses more easily and ask for help.
When last week's giant waves struck, they immobilized the generators despite being designed to protect against water.
Last week Google put paid to speculation about the meaning of three "unexplained phenomena" doodles by admitting that they were designed to commemorate the 143rd birthday of the novelist HG Wells.
Last week Google put paid to speculation about the meaning of three "unexplained phenomena" doodles by admitting that they were designed to commemorate the 143rd birthday of the novelist HG Wells.