Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has tried to recast the desire for privacy as a desire for control over our digital identities.
The minimal application system makes full use of function of the digital signal processor, and satisfies the desire for control system with the simple circuit.
For Braverman, the shape of a technological system is subordinate to the manager's desire to wrest control of the labor process from the workers.
It empowers developers and advanced users to give as much control as desired to whomever they desire for day-to-day website content maintenance chores.
One should desire for win, but not greed. And if one can control the level of desire, his strength in go would make a great improvement.
It is our deepest desire for you all to understand that you will be in control at all times of how far and how fast you can deal with our presence with calm and peace.
Several other countries have expressed the desire for more control over BlackBerry messaging, including Bahrain, which has threatened to crack down on news dissemination via the devices.
You must learn to control your desire, which is good for your health.
You must learn to control your desire, which is good for your health.