Play game using desktop shortcut!
Play game using desktop shortcut!
You'll also create a desktop shortcut for Gmail.
Creating a Desktop Shortcut to run Remote Desktop.
Let us say you want to create a desktop shortcut to.
This will create desktop shortcut for Switcher.
Use your desktop shortcut, or open the Lotus Sametime executable to run a new instance.
Let us say that you wanted to create a desktop shortcut to connect to a particular server.
Drag this shortcut and pin it to the taskbar, after which you can delete the desktop shortcut.
Either way, you need to be able to enter the full command line into the desktop shortcut creation wizard.
In layman's terms, converting to synthetic drivers will change each virtual machine's drivers to operate much like a desktop shortcut.
Once you've written your note, you can send it to a friend or colleague via email or SMS, or stick it to your main screen for a desktop shortcut.
If you run Lotus Sametime V7.5.1 directly using a desktop shortcut or the executable in the home directory, you find no evidence of the BuddyNote functionality.
With this new awareness, the operating system can change its driver mode from one of strict and slow emulation to what I call a "handshaking" process with the real driver or a desktop shortcut.
Marxio Timer also lets you save user profiles for future tasks, and it allows you to create a desktop shortcut so that you're able to quick-start your tasks without having to fully open up Marxio.
Note: you may want to create a shortcut to this file on your Desktop or Start menu.
Known issue: if the logo doesn't change into new one after updating, please create a new shortcut to desktop.
Hover over the web app icon to access further options, including the option to install a web app shortcut to your desktop or menu.
Select whether you want the application shortcut added to the client's Start menu or desktop.
The Domino installation program places a Lotus Domino Server shortcut on your desktop.
Domino安装程序会在桌面上放一个Lotus DominoServer快捷方式。
To create a shortcut to the db2game.jar file on your desktop.
要在桌面上为db2game . jar文件创建一个快捷方式。
After you complete the setup, start the Lotus Domino server (by clicking the Lotus Domino server shortcut on your desktop).
在完成设置之后,启动LotusDomino服务器(通过点击桌面上的Lotus DominoServer快捷方式)。
You can save any web application as a shortcut to Windows Quick Launch toolbar, the desktop and the Start menu.
Put a shortcut to Documents on the desktop.
The fix turns the familiar shortcut icons on your desktop into blank images.
On your desktop, create shortcuts to connect to the cloud instance (again, use vhost0022 as shown in the example). The command-line (or "location") for a shortcut looks like the following.
The shortcut is a mechanism often used to keep frequently used files in a single, easily accessed location, such as a folder or the desktop.
The shortcut is a mechanism often used to keep frequently used files in a single, easily accessed location, such as a folder or the desktop.