This invention relates to desulphurization equipment and technological specification for regeneration of waste rubber.
Every newly built, renovated or expanded coal-fired power generating unit must be equipped with and continuously employ desulphurization equipment.
As for electric desulphurization, our products are mainly used for anticorrosive equipment like flue gas desulphurization pipe, absorbing tower and main sprinkler pipe.
At present the corrosion problem in the equipment and piping for the wet desulphurization device under operation has not been solved well in China, which effects on the availability of FGD device.
The article briefly describes the characteristic of equipment, technology and principle of hot metal desulphurization with granulated magnesium.
The author narrates some ideas about the gas desulphurization project technology in the coal coking limited in Jingle county in Shanxi from its reform, equipment improving and daily management.
The author narrates some ideas about the gas desulphurization project technology in the coal coking limited in Jingle county in Shanxi from its reform, equipment improving and daily management.