The electric wand in the experiments essentially uses electricity to push the flame away from the burner, detaching it from the fuel source, so it goes out.
By tacitly detaching executive compensation policy from long-term performance, committees harm their companies and the economy as a whole.
The act or process of disconnecting or detaching; separation.
Two-part serrated nozzle for easy removal without detaching hoses.
We have never had the problem of the children detaching themselves from us.
I rose, and detaching the silver ornament from my cloak presented it to him.
The invention can finish the detaching operation of communication base easily.
The composite water reagent after detaching can be recycled and environment-friendly.
Allow them to think anything they want about you as long as you're in the process of detaching.
Start detaching your mind and emotions and just go with the flow when you are having a conversation.
The aircraft will set off attached to a mother ship, which will climb to 50, 000 feet before detaching.
The invention also discloses a slice material detaching mechanism provided with the eccentric adjuster.
Short cycle times can be achieved by detaching the mold plates before the concrete is completely set up.
The only solution in this case is to avoid detaching AXIOM completely from the data flow during serialization.
You have to practice detaching yourself from this vision, in order for the vision to have a chance to manifest.
Detaching allows you to disconnect the debugger from a program that you have attached to or launched from the debugger.
The scale of comber cylinder surface has very important effect on combing technology and detaching & piecing technology.
You may be in the process of detaching from existing business or personal relationships and replacing them with new ones.
Today, and from now on, I will practice taking care of myself by detaching from people or situations that aren't good for me.
Z school's running idea is detaching from the school reality, reflecting the principal personal idea only, operating in a form.
The approach of detaching data from a process has been discussed several times (for example, in the Claim Check pattern article).
When couples feel they are drifting apart, the house initiates a 'break up' by detaching the two units, which then go solo on the water.
The eventually trip will go like this: a giant mothership carries the passenger craft up to altitudes of around 50,000 ft, before detaching.
最终的旅行将是这样的:一艘巨年夜的母船把载客飞船载运到年夜约 50,000英尺的海拔高度,然后分隔。
Object Services enables you to manage the size of the object context by detaching objects to release resources when they are no longer needed.
The ability to store test leads without first detaching them and access them easily by means of a sliding cover reduce setup and cleanup time.
The yogic practice of noticing thoughts as they come into your mind, but detaching from them, is perfect training for keeping worries in perspective.
Furthermore, the reuse factor K is defined to give support to weigh the rationality of detaching and designing the code segment of a code component.
给出了构件及应用代码的形式化生成; 并以重用因子K为标准,辅助衡量源码构件的代码片段划分和设计的合理性。
Furthermore, the reuse factor K is defined to give support to weigh the rationality of detaching and designing the code segment of a code component.
给出了构件及应用代码的形式化生成; 并以重用因子K为标准,辅助衡量源码构件的代码片段划分和设计的合理性。