There is no use of a coverage tool to measure the code-level code coverage, nor is there use of code quality tools to automate memory leak detection and performance issues.
Administrators are able to run lightweight memory leak detection in test and production environments and receive early notification of memory leaks.
Our memory leak detection mechanism will generally automate this process of looking for consistently downward trends in free memory after a GC cycle.
This lightweight memory leak detection facility is available on all versions of WebSphere Application Server starting with version 6.0, for all platforms.
WebSphere Extended Deployment provides a number of policies that configure memory leak detection.
Lightweight memory leak detection in WebSphere Application Server is designed to provide early detection of memory problems in test and production environments.
By isolating the problem of detection from analysis, we were able to deliver a lightweight production-ready memory leak detection mechanism within WebSphere Application Server V6.0.2.
通过将检测问题与分析问题隔离,我们能够在WebSphereApplicationServer V6.0.2中提供轻量级的可用于生产环境的内存泄漏检测机制。
There are many type of advice provided through this facility, including pool setting advice for ORB and Web pools, session setting advice, memory leak detection or even data source diagnostic advice.
这一工具可以提供多种类型的建议,包括对OR b和we b池的池设置的建议,对会话设置的建议,对内存泄漏的建议,甚至包括对数据源的诊断建议。
Thirdly, the technology of memory leak detection and collection was researched.
The method for detecting the memory leak can realize the partition detection on the memory leak of the embedded system, and is flexible to use and high in detection efficiency.
Upon detection of a memory leak pattern, this facility will generate multiple heap dumps that have been coordinated with sufficient memory leakage to facilitate comparative analysis using MDD4J.
Upon detection of a memory leak pattern, this facility will generate multiple heap dumps that have been coordinated with sufficient memory leakage to facilitate comparative analysis using MDD4J.