Using DFB LD as light source, the detection sensitivity has been greatly improved by light source modulation harmonic measurement.
In this paper, the method and the equipment measuring modulation characteristic of DFB LD with spectrographic analysis are described.
本文介绍了利用光谱分析测量dfb LD调制特性的方法及装置。
The frequency of DFB LD was driven and controlled through such technology as constant current, temperature control in active area, wavelength lock and etc.
该方案通过采用恒流源、有源区温度控制以及波长锁定等技术方法来实现DFB LD的稳频驱动及控制。
By means of pulse injection, the relation between lasing wavelength and chip temperature of distributed feedback laser (DFB-LD) has been obtained.
利用脉冲注入法测量了分布反馈激光器(DFB - LD)芯片温度与激射波长的关系。
In present commercial WDM systems, distributed feedback lasers (DFB-LD) are widely used as a single-mode tight source.
在目前的WDM系统中,分布反馈半导体激光器(DFB - LD)已被广泛地用作单频光源。
By comparing the various hardware devices, the cheap LED is chosen as the light source, which is solved the problem of high-cost and hard to maintenance brought by using DFB-LD.
通过对比各种硬件设备,选择廉价的LED作为光源,解决了DF B激光器所带来的成本高昂,维修困难的难题。
By comparing the various hardware devices, the cheap LED is chosen as the light source, which is solved the problem of high-cost and hard to maintenance brought by using DFB-LD.
通过对比各种硬件设备,选择廉价的LED作为光源,解决了DF B激光器所带来的成本高昂,维修困难的难题。