Maybe not a very good DG city, for me, it is my second home!
I believe that must be a very fascinating DG with a touch of melancholy.
A final reference I have found is in DG Edwards' Historical Gazetteer and Bibliography of By-Product Coking Plants in the UK.
A support material with low expansivity and high conductivity, called DG alloy, was prepared by powder metallurgy. The effects of sintering process on its properties and microstructure were studied.
Conclusion DG can markedly inhibit nerve cell apoptosis induced by focal brain ischemia reperfusion injury and protect the nerve cell to a certain extent.
Methods This is a case control study. 40 type 2 diabetic patients with gallstones(DG)and 40 type 2 diabetic patients without gallstones(NDG)were enrolled.
Secondly, a load-transfer optimization model considering both DG output and distribution network reconfiguration was proposed, aiming at reducing comprehensive costs for power company.
其次,提出负荷转供优化模型,综合考虑了DG 发电和配网重构来降低供电企业综合负荷转供成本;
Firstly, DGs were classified according to their capability, and then a strategy that controllable DG was used to recover limited load was proposed.
首先,根据可控能力对DG进行分类,并提出利用可控 DG 发电来恢复对越限负荷供电的策略;
DG Susan Cook partnered with Rotarian Paul Hammond, owner of Muskoka Transport, who donated a huge trailer.
This can even happen for a small DG located on the secondary because of the voltage drop along the service drop, the secondary wiring, and the distribution transformer.
In addition, we correlated the concurrence of DG and yield-related quantitative trait loci, providing a potential group of heterosis-related genes.
Check out the DG homepage for a brief overview of what you'll find in this gardening mega-site.
Test directives appear within comments in a test source file and begin with dg -.
测试指令出现在测试源文件的注释中,并且起始于dg -。
Test directives appear within comments in a test source file and begin with dg -.
测试指令出现在测试源文件的注释中,并且起始于dg -。