As we can see the definition above has states that correspond to the states of the state chart diagram, and transitions that correspond to the arrows in the diagram.
If the behavior of a state chart is too complicated to present in a diagram, you can view the state chart as a table.
You can edit the state chart to add and delete transitions and events, and you can switch between the diagram and the table view of the state chart.
Figure 2 is an object state diagram of the six phases of the JSF lifecycle, including validation and event handling.
A State Machine diagram must be owned by a State Machine and must fully and exclusively depict the semantics of that State Machine.
Next, remember how the state transition diagram for the Order clarified stateful behavior of the order.
其次,前面的 Order 的状态转换图可清楚说明订单的有状态行为。
Figure 4 shows the states and transitions of this sample lifecycle as a UML state machine diagram.
See figure 10 service groups summary view, the right part of the diagram shows the state of defined service gourp.
For example, in the state diagram for Job shown in Figure 3, there is no mention of another state object; the diagram focuses solely on Job and its state transitions.
The diagram provides useful documentation showing the states of the order and which operations are appropriate in each state.
The following diagram shows the result of these assignments. A state diagram that shows an object and its attributes is called an object diagram; see Figure 15.1.
This kind of figure is called a state diagram because it shows what state each of the variables is in (think of it as the variable's state of mind).
We will need an implementation that extends org.apache.struts.action.Action for each of the actions identified in our state transition diagram and defined in struts-config.xml.
对于在状态转换图中标出的并在struts - config . xml中定义的每个操作,我们需要一个继承org . apache . struts . action . action的实现。
We extend the state-transition diagram with UML "Actor" notation to show the owner of the object when it is in that state.
我们使用UML "Actor"符号来扩展状态转换关系图,以显示当处于该状态时对象的所有者。
In an example scenario, a user clicks on an individual loan application, and the diagram widget shows the processing state of that particular loan application.
A method is proposed for automated unit test of object-oriented program, which USES the specification of extended state diagram as the input.
This paper describes the theories of thermodynamics and the parameter state diagram, which are very instructive as a guide for material synthesizing and designing.
The shape of this building is aimed to be the Shanghai Expo's quintessential diagram: the state of the world's largest and fastest growth cities.
According to the method of Picture Theory, we can make use of systematic state diagram to describe the systematic state.
The state drive of a synchronous sequential machine may be finished according to the state diagram which is usually derived from the next state equation.
Since there are no implementation methods in SIP standards (RFC3261), a finite state machine of client's transaction and its dataflow diagram are designed with rollback pointers algorithm.
In the system design phase, the article described the concept of state diagram, sequence diagram and class diagram, as well as how to use these diagram in FH98 network management software.
The trellis diagram of the natural state realization of the group code and the path through the trellis diagram of the group code are constructed.
With the analysis of the step response diagram and poles diagram, the optimal state feedback array is obtained and finish designing of optimal controller of AGV.
With PLC checking, application of state information of PLC and PLC ladder diagram, the fault of CNC machine tool can rapidly been diagnosed accurately.
By analytical and numerical calculations, stable region diagram of the energy state, wave functions and energy level shift are obtained.
In this paper some results are reported upon the decision of the evenness by elementary divisors, in accordance with the state diagram theories of linear automata.
In Section 3.9, we used a stack diagram to represent the state of a program during a function call.
The mathematical model and block diagram are presented to calculate the pick momentary cutting thick when the shearer drum is in the state of irregular motion.
The phasor diagram of the equivalent synchronous generator and the method of performance calculations are presented for steady state operation.