There's a Dialog class that can hold a collection of controls.
This is done through a check box in the display options dialog on diagrams, or in the features dialog of a block or class.
Then you need to make an SWT shell class and a class for the dialog window itself Download the code at the bottom of the article.
On the next dialog, we will define information about the View class.
Here is an example of how you might use these methods in a script or, more appropriately, with a class that defines the Place an Order dialog.
The ServiceUI class provides a single method to display the printer selection dialog
A dialog will display, where you create a UI presentation for the Contact class.
So we must use the ServiceUI class to create a print dialog like the one shown above.
The second instance of the dialog occurs because an activity needs to be associated with the operation of adding the new servlet class to source control.
Quick Navigation - jump to the desired class, field, variable or file through a small filtered dialog.
You are ready to use the find method to locate the Place an Order dialog, using the class information for the window.
On the Referenceables dialog (Figure 10), enter fully qualified class names for Factory class ( and class name (, then select OK.
在Referenceables对话框(图10)中,输入工厂类(com . ibm . acme . ree . lib . ConfigFactory)和类名(com . ibm . acme . ree . lib . Config)的完全限定类名,然后选择OK。
On the next dialog (Figure 8), modify the description (optional), then replace the db2j.jar entry in the Class path with derby.jar
在下一个对话框(图8)中,修改说明(可选字段),然后将类路径中的 db2j.jar条目替换为 derby.jar,它是新的 Cloudscape V10 JAR。
In the "new ActionForm class - Create new accessors..." dialog, select Add....
在“new ActionFormclass-Createnew accessors…”对话框中,选择add…。
For example, to publish a status message, you make a call to the core Facebook class method dialog passing the action stream.publish (see Listing 10).
例如,要发布一个状态消息,需要调用核心Facebook类方法dialog,传递操作stream . publish(参见清单10)。
When you do this the "Run Project" dialog will pop-up with a list of all class files with a main method.
A dialog box displays, requesting the name of the new class.
This dialog box lets you set up the class information.
Click the name of the class and you'll see that up and down arrows appear on the right side of the dialog box.
You can now view attributes, operations, flow ports and ports inherited from super blocks on block definition and internal block diagrams and features dialog of the derived class.
In the dialog box that appears, type Hello as the class name.
In the dialog box that appears, type "Hello" as the class name.
Now, to select the base class, click the Add button, and select LibraryEntry from the dialog box.
The setUserMail(String id) method of the MailUtilities class display’s a dialog box requesting the email address for a partner.
To add the correct JARs in the Class path section of the dialog box shown in Figure 28, first click Remove to remove the environment variable entries.
Select Project | Add Class, type the name "Quad.cs" into the dialog box, and press Open to create the class.
选择项目 |添加类,在对话框中输入“Quad.cs”,点击“打开”以创建类。
In the Create new bean dialog of the AAT, if you select the home interface using the Browse button, the remote interface and the bean class are automatically filled in.
Otherwise, the exception is caught by the class library (or worse, the host), and the user will be presented with a dialog box in the best case and a missing control in the worst case.
For example, if you handle WM_CTLCOLOR in your dialog box class, your handling will override any reflected message handlers.
In this dialog user assumed to enter the name of new class, that we?