So, I will point out, in terms of mo theory, because it rigorously does take into account quantum mechanics, it starts to become complicated once we go beyond diatomic molecules.
So where we had left off with was we'd fully discussed up to the point of considering homonuclear diatomic molecules, so molecules that both have the same nucleus.
And where we had left off was we were going to start one example of thinking about now where we have a heteronuclear diatomic molecules, so two different atoms in terms of forming the molecule.
The kind that we breathe is made of diatomic molecules, which means each molecule has two atoms.
The interaction between simple diatomic molecules such as CO and transition metal surfaces may lead to breaking and making chemical bonds and trigger important surface catalyzed reactions.
Then, if the mix of waste is correct, the carbon and oxygen atoms involved recombine to form carbon monoxide and the hydrogen atoms link up into diatomic hydrogen molecules.
We have concentrated on the ground electronic states of diatomic molecules.
So now I'm going to draw vibrational energy levels inside the molecule. Let's imagine, it wouldn't need to be this, ut let's imagine it's just diatomic molecules.
Let us consider the implication of the electrostatic theorem for chemical bonding in diatomic molecules.
Then at the end, we'll look at an example with a heteronuclear diatomic molecules.
Then we're going to actually use MO theory to describe bonding within these molecules, and we'll start with homonuclear diatomic molecules.
The discrete variable representation(DVR) scheme is applied to investigate the photoelectron spectrum(PES) of multiphoton ionization for some diatomic molecules in strong fields.
Then, a new analytical potential energy function of diatomic molecule is proposed based on the ECM and applied to some electronic ground states and excited states of diatomic molecules.
The final chapter deals with identical-particle symmetries and their application to the he atom, the Periodic Table and diatomic molecules.
So we're going to limit in our discussion in 511-1 for molecular orbital theory to diatomic molecules.
So we're going to limit in our discussion in 511-1 for molecular orbital theory to diatomic molecules.