Railway electric locomotive, diesel electric locomotive and rely on it to carry on the electric energy form to change.
The last thing a sheikh is willing to give up, it appears, is his 4,000-horsepower diesel-electric locomotive.
RailPower Technologies Corp.'s Green Goat—a diesel-electric "switcher" (small, short-distance locomotive) used for assembling, disassembling and moving train cars in rai...[More]
RailPower技术公司的“绿色山羊”——使用了柴油和电力两种能源的转换器(小型,短距离火车头),以此来在铁轨上组装,拆卸并且移动火车车厢。 这种转换器自2001年研制成功以来,就成为了铁路产业的第一个简易的混合能源装置。
By the end of 2015, all railway trunk lines had realized diesel and electric locomotive traction; types and structures of passenger and freight transport vehicles had been upgraded and updated.
By the end of 2015 all railway trunk lines had realized diesel and electric locomotive traction; types and structures of passenger and freight transport vehicles had been upgraded and updated.
Our company can make these kinds of basic products as follows: Mining Explosion-Proof diesel locomotive, and common diesel and electric locomotives and wagons.
The traction power rectifier is the key equipment in the circuit of diesel locomotive with electric transmission.
CKD 7f locomotive is a diesel-electric passenger and freight locomotive for meter gauge trunk line in Viet-Nam.
CKD 7f locomotive is a diesel-electric passenger and freight locomotive for meter gauge trunk line in Viet-Nam.