When prepared as a dietary supplement, retinol is stabilized as the ester derivatives retinyl acetate or retinyl palmitate.
As a dietary supplement, the effect of grape seeds is significant and beneficial.
In the U.S., it is available in teas, tinctures and as a dietary supplement.
Do you really think the FDA has enough resources to precisely verify every new dietary supplement proposed to hit the market?
Okay, caffeine doesn’t really count as a dietary supplement…but so many of us consume it daily in such large quantities that it is worth discussing its effects the body.
Instead the FDA labeled it as a "dietary supplement", pretty much destroying any chance of success it may have had.
Should I take a vitamin tablet or some kind of dietary supplement every day?
Kicker Vencill, 31, a former competitive swimmer who is now a lifeguard living in Santa Monica, Calif., flunked an athletic drug test several years ago and claimed it was due to a dietary supplement.
Although the multimineral Zorba pill was designed as a simple dietary supplement, a study of first-time ulcer patients who took Zorba suggests that Zorba actually helps prevent ulcers.
In 2008 the FDA approved its use as a food additive, previously it was sold only as a dietary supplement.
Dietary supplement labels can make claims about how the dietary supplement may affect the structure or the function of the body, but not claims to treat or cure a disease.
This herbal dietary supplement increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, seizures and death.
Al-Haj told his lawyer he was among those force fed a liquid dietary supplement to prevent them from dying of starvation.
Use only as a dietary supplement.
As a dietary supplement for children 2 and older, take two (2) gummy bears per day, preferably with a meal. Instruct child to chew each bear carefully and thoroughly.
When looking for multivitamins check to see that the bottle has a USP (United States Pharmacopeia) or DSVP (Dietary Supplement Verification Program) stamp.
It is a dietary supplement that is designed to help people who use it to achieve a considerable loss of weight.
You can consider the situation of children's dietary supplement.
Is there any legitimate reason for taking the dietary supplement?
The dietary supplement drinks contain glucosamine, chondroitin, and calcium to benefit healthier joints and bones.
Some cardiologists say even the spate of recent research doesn't provide enough evidence for taking chocolate as a dietary supplement.
An appropriate quarantine system has been established for holding any rejected packaged and labeled dietary supplement.
As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision.
In the U. S., it is available in teas, tinctures and as a dietary supplement.
A Senate Judiciary subcommittee plans a hearing this month focused on dietary-supplement safety.
美国参议院司法委员会(Senate Judiciary)的相关小组委员会计划本月举行一场关于膳食补充剂的听证会。
It is used in biochemical research and as a dietary supplement.
This product should be used as a dietary supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction.
Sometimes someone has to become dreadfully ill from a dietary supplement before it even becomes a "blip" on the FDA's radar.
The pea protein could be used as a natural food product such as an additive or dietary supplement to help the millions of people worldwide that suffer from these conditions, suggested the researchers.
The pea protein could be used as a natural food product such as an additive or dietary supplement to help the millions of people worldwide that suffer from these conditions, suggested the researchers.