There may be saturation in the differential circuit built with the operational amplifier (op amp), which causes that the relationship between input and output is not differential expression.
Detecting circuit consists of a fully differential operational amplifier and an instrument amplifier.
The signal of acidity electrode is detected by a differential amplifier circuit, which consists of operational amplifiers TLC2254 with high input impedance and low drift.
采用高阻、低漂移运放tLC 2254组成高阻差动放大电路用于酸度电极信号测量。
Coil designing, equivalent circuit analysis, and the choice and function of the differential operational amplifier were expounded.
Operational amplifier is widely used in all kinds of analog and mixed-signal circuit. There are many differences of focused performance because it is applied for differential circuit.
Operational amplifier is widely used in all kinds of analog and mixed-signal circuit. There are many differences of focused performance because it is applied for differential circuit.