Steam flow measurement is achieved by the use of a calibrated orifice plate and differential pressure transducer.
The zero and linearity characteristic of differential pressure transducer is corrected with method of water column correction to ensure higher precision differential pressure data.
The differential pressure water level transducer is an important measuring element commonly used in power plant.
It has a differential pressure, a pressure and a temperature transducer, namely type CEB-301 three in one flow rate transducer.
是由差压、压力和温度变送器构成的CEB- 301型三合一流量变送器。
It has a differential pressure, a pressure and a temperature transducer, namely type CEB-301 three in one flow rate transducer.
是由差压、压力和温度变送器构成的CEB- 301型三合一流量变送器。