Through theory analysis a mathmatical relation between martensitic {112} crystal plane diffraction peak is established.
With the increasing of oxygen partial pressure, angle of (002) diffraction peak becomes larger and surface RMS of the films reduces.
XRD analysis is discussed on this system, and a method of calculation content of phase content in by X ray diffraction peak intensity is researched.
并对系统进行了X -射线分析,探讨了用x -射线衍射峰强度计算各物相含量的方法。
However, the diffraction peak of the original montmorillonite significantly shifts to small angle, the layer distance increases more than three times.
According to the experimental product derived from its X-ray powder diffraction peak curve bread is amorphous, glycine template no diffraction peak of copper.
根据实验所得的产物其x -射线粉末衍射曲线呈馒头峰是非晶态,没有出现模板甘氨酸铜的衍射峰。
The invention provides an amorphous cefodizime sodium, which is characterized in that an amorphous X-ray diffraction pattern is free from having an X-ray diffraction peak;
The XRD characterization shows that the width of XRD diffraction peak gets narrow with the increase of calcined temperature, which indicates the crystallinity has improved.
The low temperature plasma nitrided case of 321 stainless steel was analyzed by XRD, and the analysis found that the diffraction peak had evidently moved in low-angle region.
对经低温离子渗氮的AISI 321纲渗层进行了XRD分析,发现试样的谱峰明显向低角度偏移。
This paper describes a processing method for automatically searching peak of X-ray diffraction signal.
The experimental results show that a bigger diffraction efficiency delay rate can make the establishing time of the laser pulse and the pulse width shorter, and make the peak power higher.
This algorithm is also applicable for peak diffraction.
Meanwhile, the peak (101) at which the ladder polymer was formed showed that the diffraction intensity became stronger as the temperature rised.
Zero-order diffraction light spot can influence the detection of the correlation peak in joint transform correlator.
The calculation model of peak pressure was obtained and the diffraction and transmission effects of explosion shock wave on concrete frustum in shallow water were analyzed.
In this paper resolving power of diffraction gratings and its measuring methods in width at half height of central peak are described.
The computational multi-peak resolution method for X-ray diffraction pattern of PET fibers has been programmed.
The computational multi-peak resolution method for X-ray diffraction pattern of PET fibers has been programmed.