That said, there are differences if you dig deep enough.
Dig deep enough, and connect with your most treasured purposes.
If you dig deep enough, with luck, you will strike oil or gAS, which are used AS our main sources of fuel and energy.
Your design must be able to dig deep enough to provide everything your organization needs at this moment but be nimble enough to change course within hours.
If the area is on high ground, the soil is soft enough for them to dig deep enough to avoid freezing, and is an area that stays damp, then a healthy turtle can be hibernated outside.
You can't get out of the way, you can't dig a hole deep enough to hide.
The drill had to be lightweight, compact and powerful enough to dig deep into the surface of the moon.
Dig the hole deep enough to allow the first two sets of leaves to be completely underground.
We also have indicated that all you have to do is dig down deep enough and the planet will give you heat.
Danish children's dream over the years: If you dig a deep enough hole, eventually you will end up on the other side of Earth in China!
Danish children's dream over the years: If you dig a deep enough hole, eventually you will end up on the other side of Earth in China!