And don't give the enemy time to dig one either.
I'll dig one here. We can plant these two trees.
Anyone who's been to McDonalds knows how those junky little Happy Meal toys pile up. Periodically I clean out the toy box and toss the older ones. Every once in a while he decides to dig one out.
If there is one company in the world that can bear down, dig in, and fix this over time, it is Toyota.
The opening of Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922 supposedly unleashed one such curse on the archaeologists working on the dig.
Dig around, and you'll likely find fixes related to your particular annoyance, especially if it relates to one or two particular sites.
"We had barely submitted that one," Finkbeiner recalls, "when I suggested we dig into the data further and see if the edges we could barely see were actually real."
In more than one film, Rahul has seen a man with a spade dig a cavernous grave in secluded woods, bury a body and brush leaves over the evidence, all in a single night before the sun comes up.
Choose the one that suits your style of financial record keeping and dig out those 2010 receipts.
"We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!" one of the brothers said excitedly.
They can dig through the earth and swim almost two kilometers (one mile)!
"We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!" one of the brothers volunteered excitedly.
"One hundred thousand why" is the knowledge of the maze, it contains a lot of knowledge, waiting for us to dig, found.
I need one, and your sons-in-law can dig new clay for Susana.
"One of our biggest questions is why did they dig tunnels of this magnitude," she says. "it had to be for a very significant reason."
The WSIL Explorer tool can dig deeply into all of the linked WSIL files regardless of their location (whether they are local or remote), and aggregate all the results in one shot.
You can cooperate: one guy dig the hole, and another one place shoot. You can take turns.
"You could drive up the beach and dig a trench"—like the one seen above—"and see if you get layers of orange sand, and spray [bacteria] there to eat the oil."
In Part 3, we'll dig into one very specific business practice: returnability (A.K.A. "the curse of unsold inventory").
One day, my good friend and I go to the mountains to dig, dig a lot a lot.
I know, I know, why would you go on one of your southwest vacations in Arizona just to dig in the soil, right?
"I can't see one glimmer of hope in this report when we dig beneath the headlines, " said Derek Holt, economist at Scotia Capital.
You may have to dig down inside of you and find one.
"We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!" one of the brothers volunteered excitedly.
"We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!" one of the brothers volunteered excitedly.