Let bygones be bygones, Don't dig up the past.
There will be more, I am assuming, as I dig up more of the really cool films I watched in the past and recall how good they are.
There will be more I am assuming as I dig up more of the really cool films I watched in the past and recall how good they are.
If you go back and dig up the micro-fiche from newspapers and magazines about what we would call "human interest" stories from the past, you'd see these kinds of stories are nothing new.
These days a candidate is fair game for the press: they’ll poke into every corner of his past life to see what scandal they can dig up.
As an archaeology major, you'll learn how to dig out historic objects. You'll also learn how to use these objects to come up with ideas about ancient cultures and the past of present-day cultures.
These days a candidate is fair game for the press: they"ll poke into every corner of his past life to see what scandal they can dig up."
These days a candidate is fair game for the press: they"ll poke into every corner of his past life to see what scandal they can dig up."