One boost for African film is the advent of digital technology, which is far cheaper than filming in 35mm.
Digital SLR cameras are not just popular with photography buffs, there is a growing community of aspiring directors who are filming with these consumer cameras.
Production will begin in the Spring – Chatting with Digital Spy after the Bafta TV awards, show runner Steven Moffat confirmed that series four is planned to start filming in spring 2016.
Both traditional camera or digital camera, filming the exposure control is the key to influence the results.
Creates films, television programs, video productions or commercials by filming, adding sound and editing in digital or analogue format.
Digital TV is an entire process of a program from filming, editing, broadcasting, transmitting to receiving, and it is achieved by using digital technology.
Digital TV is an entire process of a program from filming, editing, broadcasting, transmitting to receiving, and it is achieved by using digital technology.