The real-time image signal gathered by CCD-Sensor was processed with DSP (digital signal processor), and then recorded on SCSI device by SCSI protocol.
An embedded image acquisition system of laser radar based on digital signal processor (DSP) is presented, whose theory of realization, hardware structure and software are also introduced.
Then, the research is emphasized on the three main functions of a digital camera processor: architecture design, image processing and image compression.
Image information of X-ray photograph is converted into digital image by high speed processor. MAW file was converted into TIFF file by mobile analysis software.
This paper proposes a scheme for the design of high quality and low price color digital camera based on CMOS image sensor and general digital signal processor (DSP).
Digital signal processor (DSP) chip with the powerful computational capabilities in communications, electronics, image processing, and other fields have been widely applied.
Based on digital signal processor, DSP technology has been developing rapidly. Nowadays, it has been used in many new technology fields, such as image processing, control, telecommunication and so on.
A camera module incorporating the digital camera preferably also includes a built in image signal processor, such that the camera module is configured to produce scaled output images.
The large scale parallel digital circuit with the one detector to one processor structure was used for the near distance image, the recognition of the part of plane could be realized.
Moreover, this paper selects low power digital signal processor of TMS320VC5410 and designs image processing circuit and peripheral circuit;
This subject is to study the SMT adaptive light background, selecting an image based on digital signal processor processing system as the research object, and having strong practical significance.
This paper mainly studies TMS320C6000 processor based on digital media research, and the series system image gray-scale transform algorithm.
帮忙翻一段摘要本文主要研究基于数字媒体处理器TMS320C 6000系列系统的研发,并算法实现图像灰度变换。
This paper mainly studies TMS320C6000 processor based on digital media research, and the series system image gray-scale transform algorithm.
帮忙翻一段摘要本文主要研究基于数字媒体处理器TMS320C 6000系列系统的研发,并算法实现图像灰度变换。