The Digital Media group at Adobe has done some great things with RTMP.
Mr. Li continued, "Together with the completion of our acquisition of Digital Media Group earlier this year, this contract helps to solidify our leadership position on subway systems nationally.
Naspers, Africa's biggest media group, said it would take a 28.7% stake in Digital Sky Technologies, a Russian Internet company that also owns a share of Facebook.
Naspers, Africa’s biggest media group, said it would take a 28.7% stake in Digital Sky Technologies, a Russian internet company that also owns a share of Facebook.
This kind of unified digital communication is the wave of the future, said Jeremiah Owyang, a social media analyst at Altimeter Group.
"It's been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years," says Colin Dixon of Diffusion Group, a digital-media consultancy.
BEIJING - Viveca Chan, chairman and CEO of the WE Marketing Group, has announced that the agency has formed a newly digital team for Greater China, with a specialised focus on social media and Weibo.
北京-威汉营销传播集团首席执行官陈一枬(Viveca Chan)日前宣布,公司在大中华区成立了专注于社会化媒体和微博的新数字团队。
The Visionaire Group is just one of a new breed of innovative digital media companies that are thriving in Los Angeles.
The Visionaire Group is just one of a new breed of innovative digital media companies that are thriving in Los Angeles.