Radar signal digital pulse compression processing can be realized mostly by time-domain and frequency-domain methods.
We discuss the theory and real time realization of the digital pulse compression of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR).
The digital pulse compression technology is of high reliability, good flexibility and programmability, so that it is widely used in modern radar.
This dissertation mainly studies the radar multi-waveform digital pulse compression processing system in frequency domain based on FPGA and multi-DSP.
It not only can implement the digital pulse compression and coherent integration for radar sum and difference signals, but also control the whole radar system.
The excellent performance of digital pulse compression have been well known, the main problems for its application are a large quantity of operation, complex circuits and high cost.
It is composed of adaptive MTI (AMTI) with variable number of pulses, digital pulse compression (DPC), moving target detector (MTD), digital integration (di) and constant false alarm rate (CFAR).
Through parallel arithmetic research, a high-parallel-efficiency Radar signal digital pulse compression processing system is designed and optimized, and corresponding experiment result is obtained.
The speed and accuracy of digital quadrature sampling and pulse compression is also verified based on ADSP-TS101 .
在ADSP TS101上,验证了这个算法实现数字正交采样和脉冲压缩的速度性能和精度。
On the basis of the waveform storage method, a digital generation system scheme for ultra wide-band LFM pulse compression signals is proposed in this paper.
On the basis of the waveform storage method, a digital generation system scheme for ultra wide-band radar LFM pulse compression signals is presented in this paper.
On the basis of the waveform storage method, a digital generation system scheme for ultra wide-band radar LFM pulse compression signals is presented in this paper.