The national debt also has the dilatancy the possibility.
Dilatancy is the key issue to describe the constitutive behaviors of sand.
Dilatancy and volume expansive force are caused by the breaking of rock grains.
Coarse-grained soils exhibit evident dilatancy, and they do not obey the Hook's law.
This method adopts a 3D saw-tooth-like model to characterize the anisotropic dilatancy of discontinuity.
These models can reflect the behaviours of damage softening, elastic stiffness degradation and shear dilatancy.
This large deformation is called for rock dilatancy if volume dilation only occurs owing to stress redistribution.
The dependence of stress path includes not only the effect of pressure sensitivity but also shear-induced dilatancy.
The relation function of rock dilatancy and confining pressure is investigated by theoretical and experimental methods.
This article introduces several aspects in purchasing UPS, provides the reference of choice and dilatancy of UPS to the user.
The model can provide the theory for the field safety production by the prediction of shell stress and dilatancy distortion value.
The dilatancy characteristics of the discontinuities under shearing are analyzed; and an interpretation of the phenomenon is provided.
The mechanism of induced anisotropy, dilatancy, shear softening and cyclic mobility was discussed from the viewpoint of micro-mechanism.
Namely, the increase of confining pressure can suppress as well as induce the effect of dilatancy softening of dilatancy softening of frozen soil.
On the basis of these field and experimental results he suggests the creep dilatancy theory (1981, 1983) and the simplified brittle failure theory.
在这些现场和实验室研究结果的基础上,作者提出了蠕变扩容理论(1981 ~ 1983)和简化的脆性破坏理论。
Suggest the nonlinear elastic Constilutive model taking into the account of strain-softening, shear dilatancy(shrinkage)properties and stress path.
On this basis, a discussion on the relation between dilatancy and the parameters of faults, stress fields and physical properties of rocks was made.
In this model the volumetric strain due to stress-dilatancy for a granular material is composed of reversible and irreversible dilatancy components.
The volumetric strain due to stress dilatancy of sand is found to be composed of a reversible dilatancy component and an irreversible dilatancy component.
Constitutive equations for the viscoelastic-dilatant behaviour of rocks are presented. The dilatancy parameters are determined from various triaxial tests.
The results of triaxial creep experiments for unloading state show that the frozen soil has an obvious dilatancy, and its volume strain should not be neglected.
The formulas derived from the theory of diffusion current show that the so-called dilatancy-magnetic effect caused by ground water diffusion is also very small.
For dilative material in shear, the increment of local volumetric strain in shear band and the normal deformation of shear band due to shear dilatancy were derived.
The traditional dilatancy equation of Cam-clay model was modified and the relativity between the phase transformation stress ratio and initial effective pressure was considered.
The effects of intermediate principal stress and dilatancy are considered in the unified displacement solution; so the unified solution obtained has very broadly theoretical value.
The effects of intermediate principal stress and dilatancy are considered in the unified displacement solution; so the unified solution obtained has very broadly theoretical value.