The dimensional regularization at finite temperature is applied to calculate accurately the thermodynamic potential of two-loop QED and the overlapping divergences at arbitrary gauge.
In this thesis, the regularization algorithm is applied to the analysis of thin-walled structures in tow-dimensional elasticity problems.
Image super-resolution restoration and enhancement (SR) based on reconstruction is a typically ill-posed and high-dimensional problem, which needs effective regularization to stable the solution.
It utilizes the prior variance -mean relationship to construct the weight matrix and the two -dimensional (2d) spatial information as the penalty or regularization operator.
The author puts forward the layer-by-layer inversion method for one-dimensional wave problem, which is based on the gradient regularization(GR)method for wave equation inversion.
The author puts forward the layer-by-layer inversion method for one-dimensional wave problem, which is based on the gradient regularization(GR)method for wave equation inversion.