But more broadly they worry that the EPA is constantly tightening restrictions on pollution, at ever higher cost to business but with diminishing returns in terms of public health.
As new metrics are adopted, old metrics should be dropped; otherwise, the complexity and cost of collecting the metrics increases with diminishing returns on the value they are providing.
Substitution — Replacing one resource with another. May occur, for example, when the original resource is no longer cost-effective or is diminishing in quantity or quality.
Confronted with the complicated forms of sales promotions conducted by sellers, consumers will trade with scalpers under the rules of opportunity cost, diminishing marginal utility and other theo.
Compared with plate raft, stiffened raft has evident advantages in diminishing nonuniform settlement, improving the internal force distribution of raft and reducing construction cost.
Compared with plate raft, stiffened raft has evident advantages in diminishing nonuniform settlement, improving the internal force distribution of raft and reducing construction cost.