It was the little things she gave me that let me feel warm, like letting me dip my fingers in the sugar bowl, letting me sip the coffee from her cup or allowing me to sit on the table as I had meals.
Holding FIG by the stem end, dip halfway into chocolate and remove, leaving the fruit suspended over bowl until all excess chocolate has dripped off.
I had a bowl of chips at one end, toothbrushes in the middle and dip at the other end.
We huddle around a communal bowl, sharing spoons to dip out mouthfuls of salty macaroni seasoned with desert herbs.
When chilled, slice the log into 1/3 inch thick pieces. Sprinkle the top of each cookie with sugar, or dip each cookie in a bowl of sugar to coat all around.
Dip the edges in orange paint. Water down orange acrylic paint to dilute it and put it in a large mixing bowl or other container.
Beat the egg in a bowl. Dip the aubergine in the egg, then fully coat with bread crumbs.
Beat the egg in a bowl. Dip the aubergine in the egg, then fully coat with bread crumbs.