She has the potential to become the most powerful public diplomat the U.S. has fielded in quite some time, although her performance so far, at home and abroad, has occasionally been perplexing.
The two countries have each expelled another diplomat following a round of tit-for-tat expulsions.
Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.
Due south, directly over the Spin mountain range in front of me, is the crooked line of the Pakistan border, drawn by a British diplomat in 1893.
The son of a diplomat, he has spent much of his life globe-trotting.
He has worked as a diplomat in the U.S., Sudan and Saudi Arabia.
Carême's creations soon captured the discriminating eye of a French diplomat, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord.
He was the most distinguished diplomat in American history.
The grey-haired diplomat came across an old friend, which reminded him of the youthful days when struggling for their ideals.
The diplomat was on intimate terms with the leaders of both sides.
But the problem, as an American diplomat in the region says, is that whereas the improvements are linear, the threats are growing exponentially.
Everyone is making contingency plans, from the humblest shoe-shine boy to the grandest diplomat.
One diplomat told the report's authors: "At one point in Copenhagen there were 26 meetings taking place simultaneously.
Eighty remaining books were given to the American diplomat Albert Aronson by his Soviet hosts.
On Indian television, the veteran U.S. diplomat Frank Wisner poignantly noted that the United States has to delicately negotiate "ambiguity" in its relationship with Pakistan.
One diplomat from the tiny Polynesian island of Tuvalu said at the time: "Can I suggest that it looks like we are being offered 30 pieces of silver to betray our people and our future?"
"They are shooting themselves in the foot," said one French diplomat.
In an interior city, both sides' leaders interviewed the diplomat.
"The last days of the raj," mutters a diplomat.
But the diplomat said the summit meeting should not be affected.
She was hired by a Saudi diplomat directly from the Philippines to work in London.
A diplomat from Djibouti, a country in the Horn of Africa, provides a clue.
Braunohler declined to comment on a Sudanese Foreign Ministry statement, which said the American diplomat was in his car when he was shot five times in the hand, shoulder and stomach.
The German PRTs are led jointly by a military commander and a diplomat, and the soldiers are complemented by teams of civil servants and aid workers.
"We strongly believe that it should happen," said the diplomat, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.
The move comes as Pakistani officials say they will not deport the American diplomat Raymond Davis who is accused of killing two Pakistanis.
The move comes as Pakistani officials say they will not deport the American diplomat Raymond Davis who is accused of killing two Pakistanis.