I dipped my brush in the green paint and began layering it over the blue, the lake coming alive on the paper.
After all, I'm not writing this on parchment paper with feathers dipped in a well of ink, am I?
There exist some troubles as the gum stains in dipped tire cord fabric course of production. The causes of gum stains arisen, influencing factors and solution were introduced in this paper.
The edge of the paper is dipped in a solvent, which travels along it by capillarity, moving the components of the sample at rates depending on their relative solubilities in the solvent.
In this paper the hot dipping aluminium technology of ductile cast iron and heat resistance of hot-dipped aluminium ductile cast iron are studied.
The painting is done on paper or silk with a brush dipped in black or colored ink.
Cotton swabs dipped in iodine can be used to wipe someone's back. So I thought, why can't I use it on paper? I've been painting like this for 20 years.
To Westerners, Chinese writing looks like you took a live chicken, dipped her feet in ink, and let her walk around on the paper!
To Westerners, Chinese writing looks like you took a live chicken, dipped her feet in ink, and let her walk around on the paper!