Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.
Temperature read on a thermometer which is exposed to the air in a position sheltered from direct solar radiation.
This is a direct use of solar radiation to decompose water hydrogen which called light - chemistry conversion way.
The paper discusses quantitatively effects of terrain relief and geographic location of pixels on direct solar radiation and change of remotely sensed value caused by such effects.
The model presented here only USES a digital elevation model (DEM) to compute direct solar radiation, time of irradiation and simply diffuse radiation.
The software was used to analyse temporal and spatial distributions of direct solar radiation within greenhouse and determine greenhouse structure with optimal light transmissivity.
The method of simulation and separation of direct and diffuse solar radiation intensity is investigated.
There is the information content of atmospheric water vapour in direct solar radiation measured with a solar spectrometer.
The result shows that the spatial distribution of solar direct radiation over rugged terrain is a compositive result by many terrain factors.
Thus the averaged relationships between the flux density of the direct solar radiation and the air mass under various coefficients of transparency P2 were obtained.
Direct solar irradiance, spectral transmission and atmospheric up well radiance under certain circumstance of atmosphere and radiation are also computed in virtue of software LOWTRAN7.
Based on data of direct solar radiation observations during the years of 1959-1970 in five locations, the variation in atmospheric turbidity coefficients is estimated.
On this basis, the spatial and temporal characteristic features of the distribution of possible direct solar radiation are discussed in detail.
The extinction coefficient for diffuse and direct radiation is given by crop canopy architecture and solar position.
It mainly focuses on traceability, maintain, quantity transfer and stability of the National and working standard for the measurement direct and global solar radiation in China.
Effects of greenhouse orientation, number of spans, time of year and the latitude on the direct solar radiation transmissivity into greenhouses were analyzed using a mathematical model.
To further aid orientation, the building is planned under a single roof canopy, punctuated by glazed openings that filter daylight, while deflecting direct solar radiation.
Like concentrating photovoltaic concentrators, these technologies use only direct-beam sunlight, rather than diffuse solar radiation.
The model of the solar radiation on the airship surface was developed, including direct radiation, scattered radiation and reflected radiation.
The black liquids, suspensions, molten salts and their intermixtures are the main so - lar radiation absorbing materials for direct absorption-type solar energy collection systems.
The results show that the thermal flux of radiation complies mainly with the solar direct radiation;
The results show that the thermal flux of radiation complies mainly with the solar direct radiation;