This method has advantages of direct-viewing and convenience.
Demonstration method is a common direct-viewing teaching way in Wushu teaching.
The picture direct-viewing, the operation simple, the maintenance is convenient.
Thought foundation, Separate enterprise, Direct-viewing factory, Sand table simulation.
Visual memory should be is clearest to a time and most direct-viewing and perceptual memory way.
The model earnest has reflected the reality on the spot with the direct-viewing mathematical symbol.
This system contact surface simple direct-viewing, simplify operation and use, interactive is strong.
The application depth code, enables the image to have the stereoscopic effect, is more direct-viewing.
Direct-viewing reflects in the oil deposit the fluid between the injection well and the development well path.
This kind of improvement will make the hydrologic data representative analysis more direct-viewing and more reasonable.
The second part I combs according to the direct-viewing characteristic which Zhou Zuoren "the literature of man" view presents.
May say the construction outward appearance design becomes the project frequently remarkably, also most direct-viewing attraction.
But in the dress designing, the color is causes person's optical impression and the psychological activity most direct-viewing response.
Has such formidable function this system, although looks like quite complex, once USES quite direct-viewing, the use is very convenient.
Noise pollution has complex spatial distribution, traditional evaluation methods achieve accurate, direct-viewing effects with difficulty.
Then the article gives an introduction of the mechanism of the robot in order to make a direct-viewing for the robot platform for the readers.
Objective in order to reduce lung complication, respiratory monitor of 31 children cases after intracardiac direct-viewing operation was enhanced.
The administrative right to know belonging to the category of generalized right to know is the most direct-viewing object of study in our country nowadays.
In nature and in the practical lives of human society, it is simple and direct-viewing using the figures to describe and express the relation of something.
The problems that client software needs to be installed in the existing system and the method, or the display effect is not direct-viewing, etc. are overcome.
Finally, the corresponding test has been given to system design each function, and the correlation design page section direct-viewing chart has been produced.
Such designing that not meet the requirements in the current design process would be detected more simpler and more direct-viewing by the overrun information file.
The personal status detail, in collects strong, I am only causing my own life. The might as well and is direct-viewing, enjoy the life, enjoy the life leisure the joy.
LOGO writes the letter by English name initial "w" to carry on the design direct-viewing, the sign but the implication is profound, transmits the globalization concept.
Compared with other conventional tracking mode, it has many characteristics of direct-viewing, real-time, high precision, strong anti-electronic interference ability and so on.
This enables many in to measure in the thing attaches the sensor the survey into possibly, also is more objective and is direct-viewing, is the contact survey is unable to compare.
Third, new universities network moral education pattern request through image, vivid, direct-viewing on-line teaching, transfers initiative and enthusiasm which the student studies.
We felt more and more, opposite in the text form, the image vision presents the way, has the iconicity and the vitality, and the more direct-viewing the faster information propagation mode.
Kenji brand LOGO, with one kind of response fast hawk class (birds of prey bird) the graph took the GPS positioning system brand image, vivid is direct-viewing, manifests the product localization.
Kenji brand LOGO, with one kind of response fast hawk class (birds of prey bird) the graph took the GPS positioning system brand image, vivid is direct-viewing, manifests the product localization.