The initial research on language reports was restricted within the grammatical descriptions, which place emphasis on direct and indirect speech and the transformational relationship between them.
Can you find out the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?
The paper focuses on the translation of direct speech and free indirect speech and thought.
Chapter Three mainly concentrates on the presentations of speech - free direct discourse, free indirect discourse and multiple discourses.
This paper is to discuss the unity of opposites in terms of the direct speech act and the indirect speech act, direct tests and indirect tests, and the direct method and the indirect method.
Can you find the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?
There are basically two ways of referring to an utterance in English: one is called quotation or direct speech and the other is called reported speech or indirect speech.
There are basically two ways of referring to an utterance in English: one is called quotation or direct speech and the other is called reported speech or indirect speech.