While the direct economic impact of "Brexit" for China's economy would be limited, it would not be immune to the global shocks emanating from the UK's decision to leave the EU.
Economic prosperity and relatively low interest rates have a direct impact on the value of land and capital costs.
This USES a measurement of direct expenses, indirect expenses and induced effects to estimate the short-term economic impact of Salamanca 2002.
And the number of their allowance will be a direct impact on enterprises and individual and the actual economic benefits.
This paper established a quantitative economics model to evaluate the direct economic and environmental impact of building energy efficiency on building energy consumption.
Impact on economic growth there are many factors, among which high-level talents is the most direct, most important, most notably one.
The study is part of a world-wide effort of the world Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) to collect country-specific economic impact data.
Our findings also show that human capital has a positive direct and indirect impact on the economic development of Chinese prefecture level regions.
The country's economic condition has a direct impact on the earnings of hotels.
Therefore, the industrial structure is the important link between economic activities and ecological environment, and the mode of the industrial structure will have direct impact on the environment.
In rough economic times, and even as the economy begins to recover, the easiest hires for companies to justify are those with a direct impact on the bottom line.
Its state can direct run impact on the economic in the enterprises.
Our study indicates that the impact of interest rate adjustment upon output, prices and other macro-economic variables is not direct or obvious, but that they have different lag effects.
The quality of security work team is directly related to the enterprise security work is good or bad, a direct impact on the economic efficiency of enterprises.
The quality of security work team is directly related to the enterprise security work is good or bad, a direct impact on the economic efficiency of enterprises.