Talbot's "calotype" was the first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph.
These processes have no direct impact on the user experience, and the system can kill them at any time to reclaim memory for a foreground, visible, or service process.
This process can have a direct penalty to first-execution performance because all references are resolved on that first execution.
It's also not an intuitive process; when we give instructions to other people, we rarely direct them recursively.
Internally, a debugger has direct access to the same memory space as the running process, while an external debugger will access the memory via a socket.
In the process of instilling structure, many of our natural impulses to move, express, and learn about the nature of our existence through our own direct experience were denied.
We cannot expect Nature to do the same when the simpler process of looking locally for information is more direct.
It is not unrealistic to think of improving the time for a process from weeks down to days, and bringing a significant cost savings that is a direct benefit to the business.
The Direct Load process also USES three optional processes, or phases, that require specific parameter Settings in order for them to be engaged.
We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education-that of direct tuition or schooling.
The "sunshine vitamin" is synthesized in our skin when we are exposed to direct sunlight, but sunblock impedes this process.
In a process with its own, mindless dynamic, all the mechanisms of direct and indirect manipulation of life began to expand and assume unprecedented forms.
Direct application-specific requests to the server that can process them the fastest.
No matter what arguments people use, you and your development team have to exhibit strong discipline and politely direct these people to the proper change request process.
The HTML pages within an extension often need to communicate. Because all of an extension's pages execute in same process on the same thread, the pages can make direct function calls to each other.
There are things that you can do to delay the staling process, like keeping you coffee in an airtight container (even a ziplocked bag will work), and out of direct sunlight.
The JIT method combined with Dell's direct-to-consumer process made for a dynamite business model.
As long as you are alive aging happens and the sooner you learn to accept that, the sooner you will be able to direct the process in a favorable way.
Most likely, if you are documenting a test plan (and it is not just for regulatory or process purposes), you will use it to help direct and guide the test effort.
Ideally, each application would be able to register only the XPath queries that it needs, and the trimmer would just refer to this query list to direct the process generation of subsets.
Situations and external events, symbols, and actions may interact with our feeling process quite without any reflexive attention paid to the direct referent.
A microprogrammed machine, a microprocessor or a microcomputer used in a control operation, that is, to direct or make changes in a process or operation.
Teachers use computers in the process of teaching shot on the basketball court to teach the pupils in Japanese, with the most direct method of image, so that children can understand the problem.
The feeling process we term "experiencing" also occurs in an individual's awareness without direct reference to it as a felt datum.
However, it is rather difficult to build a distributed embedded system now, because there is not a fairly good and clear system model to direct the building process.
Validates that the technical choices for Product and Process allow to answer customer requirements, and takes part in conception reviews, direct contact of customer quality services.
A program to process direct access data is different from a program to process sequential data.
The dispensing height has direct influence on the process of fluid transferring from needle tip to substrate.
The process of eliciting , analyzing, and applying direct and indirect customer feedback to improve operational performance.
The process of eliciting , analyzing, and applying direct and indirect customer feedback to improve operational performance.