This takes three parameters: the context pointer, the path and the filename of the trust store file, and a path to a directory of certificates.
An absolute pathname begins with the root directory and follows the tree branch by branch until the path to the desired directory or file is completed.
Before running the example, make sure you assign the DERBY_HOME variable to the full path to the directory in which Derby is installed and save the SQL script in a file called create.sql.
在运行这个例子之前,请确保将DERBY_HOME变量指定为Derby安装到的那个目录的完整路径,并将这个sql脚本保存到名为create . sql的一个文件内。
If you did not use the New project wizard, you need to set up the build path and other options manually, just as if you had created a project from a directory on your file system.
For each plug-in root folder, go to each plug-in directory and get the path of the plugin.xml file.
对于每个根文件夹,进入每个插件目录中,并获取plugin . xml文件的路径。
A ButterflyFactory is created from the path of the configuration file and the path of the cache directory (the directory to hold all of the cached XSLT transformations).
Software packages are tracked down via the /var/sadm/install directory path, and file systems are mapped to device files like /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 with /etc/vfstab.
软件包可以通过 /var/sadm/install目录路径来访问,文件系统映射到设备文件中,如 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0和 /etc/vfstab。
Set the download method to Private, and be sure to set the file system path to a location that is not inside the directory /var/www/htdocs.
将下载方法设置为Private,并将文件系统路径设置为不在目录 /var/www/htdocs 中的位置。
The httpd.conf file configures the Web server and is located under the Web server installation directory path.
The file system will be mounted as /db2sd, and the directory /db2sd/
这个文件系统将会被挂载到 /db2sd,而目录 /db2sd/
The metadata cache contains the full path names of directories and files as keys and metadata (e.g. file length, last modification date, and whether the key is a file or a directory) as values.
The most common problem with importing schemas is that the XSDs must exist in the same directory as the WSDL file and relative path names don't always work.
Check the tdienv file, located in
On the Basics tab of the File Protection document, accept the default options and modify the access control list to make sure that the domino/html/web2.0 directory is specified as the Path.
For Context path, enter /Shopping, and for WAR or Directory URL, enter the absolute path to the generalstore.war file.
对于Contextpath,请输入 /Shopping,对于WARorDirectoryURL,请输入到generalstore.war文件的绝对路径。
For example, if the testMyApp.swf and testMyApp.html files are in the C:\FlexTutorial directory, you can add that path to the Flex file.
例如,如果testMyApp.swf和testMyApp.html文件都在C:\FlexTutorial 目录下,您可以添加路径到Flex 文件中。
MATLAB file operations use the current directory and the search path as reference points.
The directory of the primary output file for the build (defined with drive and path).
The directory of the primary output file for the build (defined with drive and path).