Listing listing of base documents.
清单1 .基本文档的目录清单。
Listing 6. Directory listing of "structured XML".
Listing 3. Directory listing of compressed weblog.
Listing 2. Directory listing of compressed Shakespeare.
Listing 3. Directory listing of the groove context.
If you look at a long directory listing of a file, you'll see something like the following.
After creating the project, the directory listing of the your WordPress_home/wp-content/plugins/myplugin directory will look like Listing 1.
When a browser calls the default "page" of this tiny cloud server, the code responds by returning a directory listing of the aforementioned "home" directory.
当浏览器调用这个微型云服务器的默认 “页面” 时,代码通过返回前面提到的 “主”目录的目录清单来做出回应。
And Listing 3 provides an example of moving the same directory to another system.
Beginning with a brief tour of the filesystem, we take you deep into the dot (.) of your directory listing so you can get the most from your CLI.
从简单浏览文件系统开始,我们带您深入讨论目录列表中的点(.) ,这样您就能够最大限度地利用命令行界面了。
Let's improve the code in Listing 2 to show the contents of a directory before descending further into any subdirectories.
Under the root level of the repository is the tags directory (created in Listing 2).
Since the table is a visual representation of a directory listing, we need a function to list all the images in a directory.
In this case, you are looking at the examination of a file (during a directory listing, most likely), and you can see the file's type, permissions, and modification time information as well.
Finally, it's sometimes helpful when listing the contents of a directory to view the files sorted by their time of last modification.
Of course, listing a bunch of directory entries doesn't do you much good -except to see what's in the filesystem.
The first character of a long listing describes the type of object (d for a directory).
Listing 5 shows how a whole directory of extension mapping document files can be imported into the Metadata Workbench with a single command.
Here the process substitution runs the directory listing components and returns a list of filenames, which is in turn supplied to the argument list of the emacs command.
For example, it's common to set an alias (' ll '), which expands to 'ls -l', for a long listing of a directory or list of files.
例如,设置别名('ll ')是很普遍的,该别名展开为'ls- l ',用于获得目录或文件列表的长清单。
In this directory, create the hellojsp.jsp file with the content of Listing 1.
在这个目录中,创建包含清单1的内容的hellojsp . jsp文件。
It is displayed in a long directory listing in the place of the executable flag for other users (the last character), with the same meaning for upper and lower case as for suid and sgid.
By adding the -l switch to Snort, you tell it to log packets to a directory of your choosing (see Listing 11).
通过为Snort添加- l开关,就能告诉它将包记录到您选定的目录中(如清单11所示)。
To begin playing with XMLStarlet, you need XML. That brings you to your first command, XML ls, which gives a listing of the current directory in XML.
Listing 2. The contents of the test directory.
Listing 8 adds all of the PHP files in the stated directory to the Phar archive.
In this directory, create a new file named Now.php and add the contents of Listing 2 to it.
在此目录下,创建一个新文件,命名为Now . php,然后将清单2的内容添加到其中。
In the case of Listing 5, it's pointing at the unit directory.
Open the file found in the twitterPanel directory and add the imports in Listing 7 to the top of the file.
打开twitterPanel目录下的 view.py文件并在文件的顶部添加清单7 所示的导入。
Create a file named Events.groovy in the scripts directory of your project. Add the code shown in Listing 3.
在项目的脚本目录中创建一个名为Events . groovy的文件。