Clean up the clutter and dirtiness.
There are obstacles too, mainly because of the sheer dirtiness of the business.
Inside the flesh and blood is the dirtiness more than that inside the hell's sewage.
They want to be clean, but it is hard to identify that the dirtiness was not theirs.
The wall graffiti reads: "Wash your sins in the Ganges, not your fault or dirtiness."
Coal is the filthiest fossil fuel and is cheap only because its dirtiness isn't included in the bill.
But more than that, the phrase is a wink-wink attempt at distancing oneself from the dirtiness of this town.
Is it possible to scrub out all the mental dirtiness marketing conjures up, and find a way to make it clean?
Poor personal hygiene, such as not washing hands after going to the toilet, may also add to the dirtiness of keyboards.
Taboo shows people's beautiful aspiration, ideal and pursuit as well as people's repugnance of death, evil and dirtiness.
Just let us bloom the tender and clear water lily of wisdom in this earthly world full of humility, dampness and dirtiness!
It is pitiful and dirtiness for those who are not giving, not bringing in the last moment that they are finishing their lives, love to their Lord.
As with the four-letter words, its dirtiness can be cleansed away by exposure to the light, by saying it over and over without apology or embarrassment.
Plato said, the soul of human came from a perfect homestead, here, there were nothing about the dirtiness and ugly in the world except purity and beauty.
His 2007 study, published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology, found that the dirtiness of the floor was more important than how long the food lay on it.
An adhesive dike slot (31) is formed around the joint concave bottom, thus preventing the main body and the neck back side from dirtiness caused by excessive adhesive overflow.
An adhesive dike slot (31) is formed around the joint concave bottom, thus preventing the main body and the neck back side from dirtiness caused by excessive adhesive overflow.