Your arguments disaccord with the facts.
And use multi-base stereo matching to solve matching problem of disaccord join-angle between close and far scene in image.
Stress analysis indicates that an important reason of destroy cementing of ceramic tile mortar is disaccord distortion of different materials.
The binomial distribution analysis indicate that the difference of disaccord rate between the FS group and the NFS group was remarkable (P<0.01).
In case of any disaccord between the service regulations and this notice caused by the change in the service, please refer the announcement in the post office.
The provision of the seamless steel tube mark is disaccord in the national standard and the petrochemical industry standard, this paper discusses the controversial question in the construction.
In application, the acquired target and background by a ATR system are always changed temporarily, causing the disaccord of the reference and acquired target and the degradation of correlation SNR.
但在实际应用中,A TR系统所获取的外场的目标与背景总是处于随时间不断变化的条件下,与系统所存储的参考目标通常都不会一致,从而导致相关识别SNR劣化。
In application, the acquired target and background by a ATR system are always changed temporarily, causing the disaccord of the reference and acquired target and the degradation of correlation SNR.
但在实际应用中,A TR系统所获取的外场的目标与背景总是处于随时间不断变化的条件下,与系统所存储的参考目标通常都不会一致,从而导致相关识别SNR劣化。