The sixth generation of Chinese directors, who were born in embarrassing and disadvantageous conditions, are showing a wider and wider movie space.
However, having restrictive conditions to the obligation, the policy holder does not need to undertake the disadvantageous legal consequence.
It is shown that utilization of one channel is not disadvantageous over another with any conditions if and only if the first channel can simulate operation of the another.
Anthropogenic environmental degradation is greatly disadvantageous to people's surviving and sufficient, rational utilization of natural conditions and natural resources.
In eastern region, in terms of sedimentary microfacies and diagenetic conditions, or in karst topography are in disadvantageous position, potential for development is small.
The quality of coke have an important effect on the blast furnace conditions. It will cause the variation of blast furnace conditions, which is disadvantageous to production indexes improvement.
The quality of coke have an important effect on the blast furnace conditions. It will cause the variation of blast furnace conditions, which is disadvantageous to production indexes improvement.