You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew.
This may lead to discovering you owe others more than you thought.
You must take the way toward discovering you, and only you can do it.
You might have heard a lot these days about discovering your passion in life.
It's like living on the savannah and discovering you don't have enough fruit and the animals are scarce.
It's a great problem. Particularly when you are young because youth and adolescence is a time of discovering yourself and what are you?
One thing I love about the guide is that you don’t dive into Discovering Your Passion straight away, you want people to discover themselves first.
Although why would I tell you when Jonathan did a beautiful job explaining the seven keys to discovering your passion. Everything you need to know is there.
One thing I love about the guide is that you don't dive into Discovering Your Passion straight away, you want people to discover themselves first. why do you think that's important?
As you know, researchers have long been interested in discovering exactly how intelligent animals are.
If you have ever experienced the childlike delight of discovering an inchworm, you know how fun they are to watch.
Don't be afraid to dislike something—discovering what you find difficult is a key part of learning more about yourself.
Yet all of you are creating your own reality— creating, not discovering.
Discovering the entire inheritance tree structure from an existing system is particularly useful, because it helps you uncover what the top-level class is and what subclasses are in the tree.
Explore the place if you like, discovering what else is in this imaginary realm.
If you're gaining weight and discovering a mess in the kitchen every morning, talk to your doctor about whether or not you might have Sleep-Related Eating Disorder.
You usually do not find out the method name (item 3), and discovering item 4 does not make any sense.
If you're gaining weight and discovering a mess in the kitchen every morning, talk to your doctor about whether or not you might have SRED.
Discovering people that can help you to reach your desired consumer will become exponentially more effective and important.
By discovering these problems early, you have a better chance of finding time to solve them or changing your priorities to accommodate for them.
If you can travel, go to a place you've never been, for you need the freshness of discovering something truly new.
Low self worth, fear, mistrust, insecurities, sin, and unbelief will keep you from discovering the natural and true person you really are.
The result is like electronic yellow pages for discovering the services you need to build SOA applications.
发现用于构建SOA 应用程序的服务,其结果就象电子黄页一样。
By breaking down the cost of things by the importance that they have in your life, you are discovering what you may be able to abandon some day, and what really matters to you.
Plus in college you don't yet have to face the hardest kind of work—discovering new problems to solve.
而在大学里你还不必触及最难的事情 -发现并解决新问题。
You know the story by heart. Crack open to the possibility of discovering something new about it that has the potential to release you from suffering.
Doesn't matter. Not believing that you have a purpose won't prevent you from discovering it, just as a lack of belief in gravity won't prevent you from tripping.
Discovering new solutions that you hadn't thought of before.
Discovering new solutions that you hadn't thought of before.