One day his son came to him and told him that he had read in the newspaper of a new discovery that they could operate on his eyes and allow him to see.
I was talking to one of my colleagues in the physics department the other day, and we ended up discussing how one discovery can change everything.
The presence of methane is intriguing because its likely origin is either present-day life or geological activity. Confirmation of either would be a major discovery.
The shuttle launch originally scheduled for 1 November has been pushed back by one day due to helium and nitrogen leaks on space shuttle Discovery, NASA says.
Some day, though, Mr Tamura's discovery might lead to a new entry alongside the nagging health advice that infests the labels of wine bottles in certain countries: "fish friendly".
The day after her discovery, Lewis telephoned Colleyville's assistant principal, Ted Beal.
Before their discovery, the miners kept themselves alive by rationing supplies-about a tablespoon of tuna and ounce or two of milk per day.
The discovery, published in the latest issue of Science, counters the traditional view that, in order to conserve energy, these animals were active only by day, leaving the night to small mammals.
Discovery undocks from the space station Sunday for the two-day journey home.
Recently, Tyler has made his own discovery of what his mom went through that terrible day.
One day she made an important discovery.
One day a fellow went into his basement and made an interesting discovery. Some potatoes had sprouted in the darkest corner of the room.
The thief passed the day in fear of discovery.
Every experience is a learning experience. Every day is a voyage of discovery.
June 8, 2011 — in celebration of World Ocean's day today, Discovery News highlights some of our favorite advancements in Marine science and technology.
But this discovery has raised new hope that gene therapy might some day cure the disease.
Blast off: Space shuttle Discovery and its seven-member crew begin the two-day journey to the International Space Station in 2006.
One day later, a week later, a month later... grass grow a bud sudden discovery since a head, is it the color of one's self in the body to build up a small warehouse?
News of the discovery comes a day after Chinese scientists successfully tested a similar DNA-modifying technique, known as CRISPR.
Like a scientist bent on making a discovery, he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.
Discovery "s astronauts woke up Monday evening to The Beatles" Good day Sunshine "and were ready to get back home."
What followed lunch that day was a serendipitous discovery.
Also that day, all the Discovery cable networks will show green logos.
The U. S. space shuttle Discovery has landed safely at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida after a 13-day mission.
The discovery of the primary sites ranged from the day of initial surgery to 41 months.
The three-day meeting marks the 30th anniversary since the discovery of HIV - the virus that leads to Aids.
The three-day meeting marks the 30th anniversary since the discovery of HIV - the virus that leads to Aids.