An outer sleeve is sheathed at the outside of the gear seat which rotates on the base to drive the outer sleeve and a dish-shaped antenna to rotate.
The orb-shaped central body is equipped with sensor equipment, and a powerful dish-shaped laser cannon capable of firing a sustained beam at enemy targets.
球形中央躯体配备了传感装置和一门强大的碟形激光炮。 这门炮能向敌目标发射持续的能量束。
In addition to parabolic troughs and power-towers there is also a third solar-thermal technology, which combines curved, dish-shaped mirrors with heat engines.
THE population of bugs in a Petri dish typically increases in an S-shaped curve.
They won over Target, but their first bottles of dish soap, shaped like bowling pins, leaked all over the shelves (intrigued shoppers removed the caps for a whiff and left them off).
In the north, a traditional dish for the feast is "Jiaozi" or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon.
In the north, a traditional dish for the feast is Jiaozi or dumplings shaped like a crescent moon.
Lion's head braised with crab-powder - there is a metaphor in the dish name. In actual fact the Lion's head is a conglomeration of meat that is shaped like a sunflower and resembles a lion's head.
Spherical or oval-shaped curve, we have a dish antenna.
Spherical or oval-shaped curve, we have a dish antenna.