Leona put some detergent into the dishwasher, shut the door, and pressed the switch.
Now that the content in dishwasher detergent has plummeted to 0.5 percent from as high as 8.7 percent, many consumers are just noticing the change in the wash cycle as they run out of the old product.
One time when my husband turned on the dishwasher, I noticed he poured enough of the powdered detergent to fill up both detergent cups on the dishwasher door.
In this brief period, 18-month-old Harrison opened a kitchen cupboard, removed the cap from the dishwasher detergent container and swallowed some of the powder.
Now she has to do a quick wash of the dishes before she puts them in the dishwasher to make sure they come out clean, she said. "If I'm using more water and detergent, is that saving anything?"
You can wash your dishes in a dishwasher. What you need to do is turn on the machine, put some detergent and press the start button.
The best at-home method to keep diamonds sparkling: liquid dishwasher detergent and an old toothbrush.
Elise Jones has noticed "a white dusty film" on her dishes and attributes it to reduced phosphates in dishwasher detergent.
Don't use the detergent you use in your dishwasher or any detergent that contains bleach or lanolin.
Leona put some detergent into the dishwasher, shut the door and pressed the switch.
Use dishwasher to select a "porcelain and crystal classes" function of dishwasher detergent.
If you have a dishwasher use the right amounts of salt and detergent and keep the filter and all surfaces clean. The highest temperature cycle will be most effective against germs.
If you have a dishwasher use the right amounts of salt and detergent and keep the filter and all surfaces clean. The highest temperature cycle will be most effective against germs.