Disk Druid is the manual disk partitioning tool.
Disk Druid是手动磁盘分区工具。
See Resources for details about disk partitioning.
After you use it, you will find that it is a rare disk partitioning tool.
On the custom disk partitioning screen, you will be able to partition your disk manually.
GPT is poised to become the standard for hard disk partitioning because of the size limitations of the MBR.
Hard disk partitioning is an annoying but accepted part of the process of getting an operating system up and running.
After configuring all the Network Based Installation Settings, the next step of the wizard is disk selection or custom disk partitioning.
配置好所有Net workBasedInstallation设置后,向导的下一步是磁盘选择或自定义磁盘分区。
The Disk Selection option applies only to automatic partitioning installations; the Custom Disk partitioning option performs manual partitioning.
DiskSelection选项仅应用于自动分区安装;Custom Disk Partitioning选项执行手动分区。
The last option is for disk partitioning: how the installer is going to partition the machine's disk. You have two options, but before you select one, read the Note below.
This refers to partitioning the virtual disk and doesn't refer to your physical disk, so you can agree to it without any issues.
If you follow common partitioning advice, chances are your disk USES several partitions.
If you're in doubt, you can use a GPT-aware partitioning tool to set up GPT partitions on a spare hard disk or a small removable disk, such as a USB flash drive.
Figure 4 shows the setup of the disk (for partitioning).
You are not a Solaris administrator unless you've spent hours partitioning your disk, usually with the format command.
Automatic partitioning: the installer chooses the best disk-partitioning plan for your system (all data on the disk will be lost).
Partitioning makes it possible to store more data in one table than can be held on a single disk or file system partition.
Partitioning makes it possible to store more data in one table than can be held on a single disk or file system partition.