The dispatching management system has run at Bameng administration of power supply, which will commendably improve control level of the dispatching station.
On the basis of comparison relationship, we can ensure the natural communication between RTU station and dispatching station in this system by making and resolving data package.
An Area Control Computer Interlocking System (AC-CIS) im pl ements integrated control over station interlocking, section block, and dispatching and command.
The channel organization of Yidu conversion station consists of protective and safety control channel, automation channel, dispatching telephone channel.
The key problem of how to make the plan of using up-and-down lines in the process of computer aided dispatching for railway marshalling station is stu died in this paper.
Using this model the optimum compensating dispatching in the cooperation of Three Gorges hydropower station with the hydropower station group within the Three Gorges power system is studied.
RTU has popular applications in electric power dispatching automation systems, but it seldom used in hydropower station Supervisory Computer Control systems (SCCSs).
Upon analysis of several realizing schemes, this paper suggests the establishment of complex electric misoperation prevention system integrating dispatching master station and substations.
This paper has solved the problem that optimal version dispatching in vehicle transportation under single station conditions, and given a particular method of dis - patching vehicle.
To increase power generating benefits of the pumped-storage station, this paper mainly discussed the program of reservoir dispatching optimization, which based on long-term hydrological forecasting.
The electric power dispatching automation system is composed of master station and slave stations.
Presents DSS's component, structure, principals and methods and provides related theoretical foundation for the railway passenger station dispatching DSS.
Presents DSS's component, structure, principals and methods and provides related theoretical foundation for the railway passenger station dispatching DSS.