Good detergency and dispersancy can keep the engines clean.
Distinguishing the dispersancy of different dispersants helps their molecular design.
Excellent dispersancy and detergency keeping the engine clean and thus preserving its power.
The aim of this paper is to develop a kind of bench test for evaluating the soot dispersancy of diesel engine oil.
The aim of this paper is to develop a kind of bench test for evaluating the soot dispersancy of diesel engine oil.
Excellent detergency and dispersancy outstanding launch sediment control, effectively maintain engine clean, reduce wear.
All the results show that the product is an excellent scale and corrosion inhibitor with good scale inhibition and dispersancy.
The results indicate that diesel engine oil according to this formula has ideal detergency and dispersancy on high temperature and upper applied value.
Considering dispersancy of attacked object decision, an algorithm of finited fuzzy multiobjective decision is derived, which is more simple, correct and effective.
The method avoids the influence of non-isoplanantic result from the dispersancy position between the edge and the array for measured MTF, and its precision was improved accordingly.
该方法克服了传统刀口扫描法的缺陷, 消除了由于离散型光学元件的离散性产生的空间非平移不变性的影响,减小了测量误差,提高了精确度。
Taking the carbon black similar to soot as the test material, the oil's dispersancy is evaluated through the oil's viscosity change after blending the carbon black into the oil under high speed.
Taking the carbon black similar to soot as the test material, the oil's dispersancy is evaluated through the oil's viscosity change after blending the carbon black into the oil under high speed.