As a result, a generalized correlations of the gas dispersion coefficient is obtained.
In mine mass transfer the longitudinal dispersion coefficient is by far greater than the turbulent diffusion coefficient.
So for this system, in order to realize long distance transmission, the optical fiber dispersion coefficient must be small.
The rotational dispersion coefficient of the fiber in the turbulent shear flow of fiber suspension was studied theoretically.
The key to establish model and predict lies in the determination of model parameters, which include generally dispersion coefficient and retardation factor.
In this paper the authors put forward the twin-station fitting method-a new method for calculating the river longitudinal dispersion coefficient by tracing tests.
The variability of the pressure head, velocity and hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient obtained from conditional simulation are smaller than those obtained from unconditional simulation.
Then this paper studied the effect of diffusion coefficient on concentration distribution and the conditions of substitution with numerical dispersion for physical diffusion.
Theory and experiment show that bandwidth of FOPA depends on pumping wavelength and pumping power, optical fiber nonlinear coefficient as well as dispersion characteristics.
The viscosity coefficient of pore fluid in saturated sandstone has an obvious effect on the attenuation, modulus, and velocity dispersion in low frequency range.
The relations of the ground state energy with the coefficient of dispersion, strength and magnetic field strength are derived by using linear-combination operator and unitary transformation method.
In addition, the dielectric parameter and the filled coefficient also have influence on the dispersion curve.
The material from Southwest China and Japan has relatively high genetic dispersion, low Gst and average value of genetic similarity coefficient.
To obtain larger dispersion, chirped fiber gratings with longer length and smaller chirp coefficient are required.
Its dispersion and nonlinearity coefficient are investigated simultaneously by using full vectorial finite element method.
With this quality factor, the grating structure is optimized by selecting different coupling lengths and the distribution of coupling coefficient to improve its dispersion property.
The viscosity coefficient of pore fluid in saturated sandstone has an obvious effect on theattenuation, modulus, and velocity dispersion in low frequency range.
Some parameters such as fiber length, dispersion slope, nonlinearity coefficient, and pump power have important impact on gain and bandwidth in optical fiber amplification system.
Refractive index, chromatic dispersion and absorption coefficient are material figures of merit for ultrafast all optical switch.
Refractive index, chromatic dispersion and absorption coefficient are material figures of merit for ultrafast all optical switch.