In the case of a major collection, there are probably more works on display than we could realistically view in weeks or even months.
In this case, the blog will display on the Browse Blogs page as well as on your My Blogs page.
But his latest book is more than just a display case full of specimens collected by a man fascinated by the paranormal.
"The new 3gi is as light as air," said Apple senior vice President Philip Schiller, reaching inside an empty display case, apparently to remove the mobile device.
These values will cause other types of inputs to be immediately recognized, such as bashing the keyboard in frustration or smacking the display case in abject disgust.
The data read in the use case should be used to display the cart to the user.
Note that you invalidate the display list in either case because you want Flex to render (or remove) the focus rectangle around the box.
A display case to the right of the poster will hold a brown paper bag marked "Patient's Belongings."
The Stage is the main display window of the application in this case.
Thus, entering *case would display artifacts called "usecase" and "usecasetest," for example.
例如,输入 *case将会显示名为“usecase”和“usecasetest”的工件。
In this case, you want to display negative values in red to visually represent a drop in price.
By using Japanese black plastered wall to all the materials, details and all of the walls, we successfully abused the existence of the display case.
In this case, we want to display the document in a different way than the form it is encoded to use.
A salesman removes a platinum wedding ring from the display case. The salesmen comments, “She’s a lucky woman.”
Pastries are presented in a nine metre long display case, cantilevered at one end.
The use-case parent-child relationships display in a Word document as shown in Figure 25.
Judging from the long line of people waiting to see the sculpture, and the popping of camera flashbulbs in front of the display case, it seems the public approves.
Brightly-colored ornaments hang from the ceiling, and a large display case in the center of the room is scattered with old toys, making it difficult for the eye to focus on just one item.
If refill is used without a vanity display case, make sure to reseal after each use.
Put things in the display case.
System stability, high anti-jamming, high precision and wind cups with special material, high mechanical strength, strong wind, display case design novel and unique, durable, easy to install.
Temperature distributions in a display case controlled by thermostatic expansion valve and electronic expansion valve are studied in this paper.
Putt things in the display case.
The transient temperature of the display case shelves was measured for studying the temperature variation and distribution in the display case by changing the number and the velocity of air curtain.
The wall is inscribed with Latin and there is a display case with Ventriloquist's machine gun inside.
We did a quick round of the photos and came to a glass display case, within which were the following precious items.
We did a quick round of the photos and came to a glass display case, within which were the following precious items.